Tuesday, August 19, 2014

So You Really Want To Be An Evangelist?

I am certified from the American Association Of Christian Counseling in their core curriculum “Helping People God’s Way” and I’ve been building God’s kingdom in every way that I could possibly find since around 1988. My best friend used to tell me that the world was my pulpit. When I would drive through a Wendy’s restaurant in Miami for a cup of water as I was traveling back from the Keys in South Florida I would reply to the drive through lady (and just about anyone else has given me a cup of water between then and now) “Whoever you give a cup of water to in my name (Jesus’ name) you will in no way lose your reward” and at the grocery store if I end up speaking to a stranger or an employee of the grocery store I will always try to mention a good local church that I’m familiar with and ask them to check it out. I am quite familiar with a few churches in the area that I live in. And even when I was in San Diego I had two particular churches that I always sent people to; The Rock with Pastor Mile’s McPherson or Cornerstone (my absolute favorite church this side of Ohio) with pastor Sergio De La Mora. I also try to reach the unchurched online here on my blog https://letshavechurchnow.blogspot.com

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