Saturday, July 21, 2018


Thursday, July 19th, 2018 was the first time that I was able to go back to the food bank in three weeks.  That's important because I have one disabled single mother and two disabled senior citizens in my apartment complex that I've been taking food to for several months.  They look forward to it and are always grateful. 

Thursday night, I bagged up their cookies, their pears, and their tomatoes and delivered them, came home and went to bed.  But not before I realized I didn't even take them their cantaloupes or grapes.  And I had to divide the apple pie so that each of them could enjoy some of that too. 

So bright and early the next morning I was able to leave their pies, grapes, more cookies and cantaloupes on their front porches... all except for one.  My neighbor Shirley gets up earlier than me and I had already heard her up and talking to someone when I took out the garbage Friday morning.  So I knocked on her door and handed hers to her.  But she asked me to come in so that I could put them in the kitchen for her. Right after I gave her the cantaloupe my neighbor hollered out "Enjoy the Pool".  I hadn't even thought about it... but just then... I thought .. sounds good!  So I went home, put my suit on and went for a dip!

But the other two neighbors were probably still asleep.  Maybe not but I didn't want to take a chance so I just left all their food sitting on their tables and chairs.  Thankfully, the maintenance man was very close friends to one of them so I asked him to text her and let her know that there was food on her porch.  That way he wouldn't have to wake her up either but she would at least have the message when she woke up.

I doubt the 120 degree weather or the hot sun could hurt cantaloupes or grapes and I know that it wouldn't hurt the apple pie.. but to get them out of the heat whenever possible would be best.  I hope they enjoy it as much as I did!

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